Perhaps a little headbanging heaven? A touch of metal mania? A precursor to this year's Freaker's Ball? Why, yes, Indie, if I am following stereotype, I can see all of those things.
Ladies and gentlemen, behold some of the axes belonging to the members of Taylor Swift's band.
Yes, this Taylor Swift...

As a woman of a certain age, I can say that I haven't been 19 year old Taylor's biggest fan. She writes cutsey ditties about teenaged heartbreak. Seriously? At 19, you've barely scratched the surface of life. Anyway, one of my good friends invited me to the concert. While not dreading it, mostly because I would get to see my friend, I was not exactly enthused. I really didn't relish sitting amonst screaming female tweens in a sold out show. Face it, we girls shriek. LOUDLY.
Gloriana opened the show at 7:30. Great 4 part harmony. Hopefully, they have a bright future ahead of them.
Kellie Pickler was the second act. Some of you might remember Kellie from American Idol. She has had moderate success in her singing career. Unfortunately, her voice is not suited to an arena. Or should I say the sound engineer just couldn't get it right. She has a higher pitched voice and her mike was up too high. It was a particularly painful experience. Combined with shrieking girls...I believe I've lost my hearing.
Finally, young Miss Swift took the stage shortly after 9:00 PM. Let me add here, that I made some earplugs from napkins to save my eardrums from the assault of shrieks and screams that ensued.
I can't believe I am admitting this, but Taylor Swift, at 19, is a consummate performer. Costume changes, humor, and a humblness belies her tender years. At one point, I really though she was going to burst into tear from the adulation she was receiving from the crowd. Her music, while young, is infectious. And there are a couple of tunes that I do like. So all in all, I have to give Taylor an A for her first headlining show. She's got a bright future. I hope she retains her "sweetness" as her career continues.
Somehow I must get "You Belong With Me" out of my head.