Friday, October 03, 2008

Guitar Lessons 11 & 12 - Cialis For Guitars

...when your performance won't stand up...

Practice. 1 hour, every day until success is achieved.

By the time I hit Lesson 11, I switched to a classical, nylon string guitar. Definitely not a high end classical, but a much richer, full-bodied sound that my very inexpensive steel string. Getting used to the strings and the width of fretboard didn't happen as fast as I thought it would.

Needless to say, practice, practice, practice.

I've been stuck on the same piece of music for the last 4-5 weeks. I just haven't been able to master it. That was until I got home after my last practice. Finally, I understand how the rhythm is supposed to flow. Finally! It actually sounds like a piece of music.

I've also got the Bach piece to use as my warm-up. It's still a struggle as well.

Again, practice, practice, practice. There are days I just don't want to practice. Take today for example. I have a headache. I want a nap. What am I going to do?


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