I'm a cross-stitcher, needleworker, enjoyer of the needle arts...I don't know what you want to call it. Anyway, this is the newest project I'm working on. After years of making beautiful pieces of artwork for everyone else; I am finally working on a piece for myself.
If I am lucky, I will have this piece finished within 5 years. Needless to say, it will take countless hours. One inch of the fabric I am working contains 25 x's. That means one square inch contains 625 stitches. 625 intsy tinsy bitty x's. I'll have presbyopia by the time I'm finished. I worked 19 stitches to begin and in those 19 stitches I used 12 colors. There are 90 different colors in this work.
I've actually started and will blog about the progress from time to time. It will be a love hate relationship, but I fully intent to have it finished and framed while I can still enjoy it.
Wish me luck and good lighting!!
There you go, being all artistic again...:)
shhhh...don't tell me that, I might actually start to believe it.
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